PC Status | Overall this PC is performing as expected (46th percentile). This means that out of 100 PCs with exactly the same components, 54 performed better. The overall PC percentile is the average of each of its individual components. |
Processor | With a good single core score, this CPU can easily handle the majority of general computing tasks. Despite its good single core score this processor isn't appropriate for workstation use due to its relatively weak multi-core performance. Finally, with a gaming score of 72.4%, this CPU's suitability for 3D gaming is good. |
Graphics | 14.5% is a very low 3D score (RTX 2060S = 100%). This GPU can only handle very basic 3D games but it's fine for general computing tasks. |
Boot Drive | 30.1% is low SSD score. With a better SSD this system will boot faster, make applications more responsive and reduce IO wait times. |
Memory | 16GB is enough RAM to run any version of Windows and it's more than sufficient for nearly all games. 16GB also allows for very large file and system caches, software development and batch photo editing/processing. |
OS Version | Although Windows 10 is not the most recent version of Windows, it remains a great option. |
System | Asus CM6650 (all builds) |
Motherboard | ASUSTeK CM6650 |
Memory | 13.6 GB free of 16 GB @ 1.3 GHz |
Display | 1920 x 1080 - 32 Bit colori |
OS | Windows 10 |
BIOS Date | 20111221 |
Uptime | 0 Days |
Run Date | Aug 24 '22 at 15:29 |
Run Duration | 141 Seconds |
Run User | ITA-User |
Background CPU | 4% |
Actual performance vs. expectations. The graphs show user score (x) vs user score frequency (y).
Processor | Bench | Normal | Heavy | Server |
Very good
Graphics Card | Bench | 3D DX9 | 3D DX10 | 3D DX11 |
Nvidia GT 1030
Asus(1043 86DC) 2GB
CLim: 1911 MHz, MLim: 1502 MHz, Ram: 2GB, Driver: 512.15
Very poor
Drives | Bench | Sequential | Random 4k | Deep queue 4k |
Crucial BX500 240GB-$25
151GB free (System drive)
Firmware: M6CR013
SusWrite @10s intervals: 195 170 7.2 96 6.1 72 MB/s
Below average
Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 2TB-$50
848GB free
Firmware: CC27
SusWrite @10s intervals: 111 110 112 112 112 111 MB/s
Memory Kit | Bench | Multi core | Single core | Latency |
Crucial BLS8G3D1609ES2LX0. 2x8GB
2 of 4 slots used
16GB DIMM DDR3 1333 MHz
Performing below potential (20th percentile) - ensure that a dual+ channel XMP BIOS profile is enabled: How to enable XMP |
Above average
L1/L2/L3 CPU cache and main memory (DIMM) access latencies in nano seconds
CPU | |
Core i7-2600Intel $148Bench 67%, 185,630 samples | 56x |
Core i5-2320Intel $142Bench 64%, 38,345 samples | 31x |
Core i3-2100Intel $49Bench 51%, 63,701 samples | 8x |
GPU | |
HD 2000 (Desktop 1.1 GHz)IntelBench 1%, 150,891 samples | 20x |
GeForce GT 530NvidiaBench 3%, 5,672 samples | 15x |
GT 1030NvidiaBench 14%, 185,384 samples | 6x |
EDIT WITH CUSTOM PC BUILDER | Value: 72% - Very good | Total price: $173 |