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Asus ROG Strix G731GT

Performance Results

Gaming 8%
Tree trunk
Desktop 70%
Battle cruiser
Workstation 8%
Tree trunk
PC StatusOverall this PC is performing as expected (48th percentile). This means that out of 100 PCs with exactly the same components, 52 performed better. The overall PC percentile is the average of each of its individual components.
ProcessorWith a good single core score, this CPU can easily handle the majority of general computing tasks. Additionally this processor can handle light workstation, and even some light server workloads. Finally, with a gaming score of 72.7%, this CPU's suitability for 3D gaming is good.
Graphics5.6% is a very low 3D score (RTX 2060S = 100%). This GPU can only handle very basic 3D games but it's fine for general computing tasks.
Boot Drive132% is an exceptional SSD score. This drive is suitable for heavy workstation use, it will facilitate fast boots, responsive applications and allow for fast transfers of multi-gigabyte files.
Memory16GB is enough RAM to run any version of Windows and it's more than sufficient for nearly all games. 16GB also allows for very large file and system caches, software development and batch photo editing/processing.
OS VersionAlthough Windows 10 is not the most recent version of Windows, it remains a great option.
SystemAsus ROG Strix G731GT  (all builds)
MotherboardASUSTeK G731GT
Memory8.3 GB free of 16 GB @ 2.7 GHz
Display1920 x 1080 - 32 Bit colors, 1920 x 1080 - 32 Bit colors
OSWindows 10
BIOS Date20200311
Uptime0.8 Days
Run DateSep 05 '24 at 16:12
Run Duration129 Seconds
Run User TUR-User
Background CPU8%

 PC Performing as expected (48th percentile)

Actual performance vs. expectations. The graphs show user score (x) vs user score frequency (y).

Processor BenchNormalHeavyServer
Intel Core i7-9750H
U3E1, 1 CPU, 6 cores, 12 threads
Base clock 2.6 GHz, turbo 3.1 GHz (avg)
Performing as expected (44th percentile)
72.7% Very good
Memory 81.4
1-Core 110
2-Core 200
75% 130 Pts
4-Core 346
8-Core 495
53% 421 Pts
64-Core 594
37% 594 Pts
Poor: 49%
This bench: 72.7%
Great: 87%
Graphics Card Bench3D DX93D DX103D DX11
Intel UHD Graphics 630
Asus(1043 105F) 1GB
Driver: igdumdim64.dll Ver.
Performing above expectations (83rd percentile)
5.6% Terrible
Lighting 6.1
Reflection 8.8
Parallax 7.5
5% 7.47 fps
MRender 7.5
Gravity 6.8
Splatting 10
7% 8.1 fps
Poor: 4%
This bench: 5.6%
Great: 6%
Drives BenchSequentialRandom 4kDeep queue 4k
Micron_2200V_MTFDHBA512TCK 512GB
172GB free (System drive)
Firmware: P1MA0V4
SusWrite @10s intervals: 917 729 569 881 544 406 MB/s
Performing below expectations (29th percentile)
132% Outstanding
Read 730
Write 929
Mixed 874
SusWrite 674
182% 802 MB/s
4K Read 27.7
4K Write 52.6
4K Mixed 39.4
120% 39.9 MB/s
DQ Read 451
DQ Write 604
DQ Mixed 588
427% 547 MB/s
Poor: 94%
This bench: 132%
Great: 181%
Seagate FireCuda 2.5" 1TB-$56
866GB free
Firmware: SDM1
SusWrite @10s intervals: 118 116 123 126 125 120 MB/s
Performing above expectations (66th percentile)
52.8% Above average
Read 62.4
Write 118
Mixed 54.6
SusWrite 121
65% 89.1 MB/s
4K Read 1.6
4K Write 1.2
4K Mixed 1.2
222% 1.33 MB/s
Poor: 20%
This bench: 52.8%
Great: 70%
Memory Kit BenchMulti coreSingle coreLatency
Hynix HMA82GS6JJR8N-VK 1x16GB
1 of 4 slots used
16GB SODIMM DDR4 clocked @ 2667 MHz
Performing below potential (17th percentile) - ensure that an XMP BIOS profile is enabled: How to enable XMP
38% Below average
MC Read 12.9
MC Write 14.2
MC Mixed 11.2
36% 12.8 GB/s
SC Read 9.9
SC Write 11.4
SC Mixed 13
33% 11.4 GB/s
Latency 78.6
51% 78.6 ns
Poor: 35%
This bench: 38%
Great: 49%

 System Memory Latency Ladder

L1/L2/L3 CPU cache and main memory (DIMM) access latencies in nano seconds

 SkillBench Score 0: 0P 0R 0G 0B (High Scores)

Measures user input accuracy relative to the given hardware

Score Hit Rate Shots EFps 0.1% Low Refresh Rate Screen Resolution Monitor
0% 0% 3 202 49 60 17.3" 1280 720 LGD063B
Typical ROG Strix G731GT Builds (Compare 18 builds) See popular component choices, score breakdowns and rankings
Gaming 9%
Tree trunk
Desktop 69%
Battle cruiser
Workstation 8%
Tree trunk

System: Asus ROG Strix G731GT

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