PC Status | Overall this PC is performing as expected (51st percentile). This means that out of 100 PCs with exactly the same components, 49 performed better. The overall PC percentile is the average of each of its individual components. |
Processor | With a good single core score, this CPU can easily handle the majority of general computing tasks. Despite its good single core score this processor isn't appropriate for workstation use due to its relatively weak multi-core performance. Finally, with a gaming score of 66.7%, this CPU's suitability for 3D gaming is above average. |
Graphics | 3.5% is too low to play 3D games or use CAD packages. (Note: general computing tasks don't require 3D graphics) |
Boot Drive | 42.2% is a reasonable SSD score. This drive enables fast boots and responsive applications. |
Memory | 16GB is enough RAM to run any version of Windows and it's more than sufficient for nearly all games. 16GB also allows for very large file and system caches, software development and batch photo editing/processing. |
OS Version | Although Windows 10 is not the most recent version of Windows, it remains a great option. |
Actual performance vs. expectations. The graphs show user score (x) vs user score frequency (y).
Processor | Bench | Normal | Heavy | Server |
Graphics Card | Bench | 3D DX9 | 3D DX10 | 3D DX11 |
Nvidia GeForce GT 710
MSI(1462 8C93) 2GB
CLim: 954 MHz, MLim: 450 MHz, Ram: 2GB, Driver: 456.71
Drives | Bench | Sequential | Random 4k | Deep queue 4k |
Kingston SSDNow UV400 240GB-$70
176GB free (System drive)
Firmware: 0C3J96R9
SusWrite @10s intervals: 175 139 120 98 93 88 MB/s
Hitachi HTS541010B7E610 1TB
873GB free
Firmware: 04.01A04
SusWrite @10s intervals: 108 109 109 110 110 114 MB/s
Memory Kit | Bench | Multi core | Single core | Latency |
1600, 1600, 1600, 1600 MHz
4096, 4096, 4096, 4096 MB
L1/L2/L3 CPU cache and main memory (DIMM) access latencies in nano seconds
Measures user input accuracy relative to the given hardware
Score | Hit Rate | Shots | EFps | 0.1% Low | Refresh Rate | Screen | Resolution | Monitor |
0% | 0% | 0 | 52 | 18 | 60 | 24.1" | 1280 720 | HWP284B LA2405 |
CPU | |
Core i7-3770Intel $297Bench 69%, 278,207 samples | 2,089x |
Core i7-2600Intel $141Bench 67%, 185,630 samples | 1,615x |
Core i5-3470Intel $69Bench 63%, 223,595 samples | 957x |
GPU | |
HD 2000 (Desktop 1.1 GHz)IntelBench 1%, 150,891 samples | 1,322x |
SVGA 3DVmwareBench 20%, 11,474 samples | 1,154x |
GTX 1050-TiNvidia $59Bench 29%, 946,701 samples | 1,088x |
EDIT WITH CUSTOM PC BUILDER | Value: 64% - Good | Total price: $322 |