PC Status | Overall this PC is performing below expectations (25th percentile). This means that out of 100 PCs with exactly the same components, 75 performed better. The overall PC percentile is the average of each of its individual components. Use the charts in the benchmark sections of this report to identify problem areas. |
Graphics | 0.47% is too low to play 3D games or use CAD packages. (Note: general computing tasks don't require 3D graphics) |
Boot Drive | 13.2% is an extremely low SSD score, this system will benefit from a faster SSD. |
Memory | 8GB is enough RAM to run any version of Windows and it's sufficient for the vast majority of games. 8GB is also enough for moderate file and system caches which result in a very responsive system. |
OS Version | Although Windows 10 is not the most recent version of Windows, it remains a great option. |
System | Toshiba Satellite C50-A (all builds) |
Motherboard | TOSHIBA Portable PC |
Memory | 4.9 GB free of 8 GB @ 1.1 GHz |
Display | 1366 x 768 - 32 Bit colors |
OS | Windows 10 |
BIOS Date | 20131203 |
Uptime | 0 Days |
Run Date | Dec 14 '22 at 09:16 |
Run Duration | 184 Seconds |
Run User | GBR-User |
Background CPU | 100% |
Actual performance vs. expectations. The graphs show user score (x) vs user score frequency (y).
Processor | Bench | Normal | Heavy | Server |
Graphics Card | Bench | 3D DX9 | 3D DX10 | 3D DX11 |
Intel HD Graphics (Bay Trail 0.667 - 0.854 GHz)
Toshiba(1179 FA2B) 2GB
Driver: igdumdim64.dll Ver.
Drive | Bench | Sequential | Random 4k | Deep queue 4k |
Sandisk PLUS 240GB
102GB free (System drive)
Firmware: UF4004RL
SusWrite @10s intervals: 117 114 63 60 50 48 MB/s
Very poor
Memory Kit | Bench | Multi core | Single core | Latency |
Hynix HMT41GS6BFR8A-PB 1x8GB
1 of 2 slots used
8GB SODIMM DDR3 clocked @ 1066 MHz
L1/L2/L3 CPU cache and main memory (DIMM) access latencies in nano seconds
CPU | |
Core i3-3110MIntel $70Bench 48%, 34,445 samples | 51x |
Celeron N2820Intel $139Bench 27%, 2,102 samples | 44x |
Pentium 2020MIntelBench 47%, 9,778 samples | 27x |
EDIT WITH CUSTOM PC BUILDER | Value: 62% - Good | Total price: $84 |