PC Status | Overall this PC is performing way below expectations (14th percentile). This means that out of 100 PCs with exactly the same components, 86 performed better. The overall PC percentile is the average of each of its individual components. Use the charts in the benchmark sections of this report to identify problem areas. |
Processor | With an average single core score, this CPU can handle browsing the web, email, video playback and the majority of general computing tasks including light gaming when coupled with an appropriate GPU. Finally, with a gaming score of 50.1%, this CPU's suitability for 3D gaming is average. |
Graphics | 85.9% is a very good 3D score, it's the business. This GPU can handle recent 3D games at high resolutions and ultra detail levels. |
Memory | 16GB is enough RAM to run any version of Windows and it's more than sufficient for nearly all games. 16GB also allows for very large file and system caches, software development and batch photo editing/processing. |
OS Version | Although Windows 10 is not the most recent version of Windows, it remains a great option. |
System | Alienware 17 R4 (all builds) |
Motherboard | Alienware Alienware 17 R4 |
Memory | 4.6 GB free of 16 GB @ 2.4 GHz |
Display | 1920 x 1080 - 32 Bit colors |
OS | Windows 10 |
BIOS Date | 20170609 |
Uptime | 0.1 Days |
Run Date | Jul 20 '22 at 03:55 |
Run Duration | 177 Seconds |
Run User | USA-User |
Background CPU | 43% |
CPU Throttled | 99% |
Actual performance vs. expectations. The graphs show user score (x) vs user score frequency (y).
Processor | Bench | Normal | Heavy | Server |
Intel Core i7-7700HQ
U3E1, 1 CPU, 4 cores, 8 threads
Base clock 2.8 GHz, turbo 3.4 GHz (avg)
Above average
Graphics Card | Bench | 3D DX9 | 3D DX10 | 3D DX11 |
Nvidia GTX 1080-Ti-$499
CLim: 1987 MHz, MLim: 2752 MHz, Ram: 11GB, Driver: 496.49
Relative performance (0th percentile) - GPU OC Guide |
Memory Kit | Bench | Multi core | Single core | Latency |
Unknown HMA81GS6AFR8N-UH 2x8GB
2 of 2 slots used
16GB SODIMM DDR4 clocked @ 2400 MHz
L1/L2/L3 CPU cache and main memory (DIMM) access latencies in nano seconds
CPU | |
Core i7-7700HQIntelBench 62%, 473,208 samples | 1,246x |
Core i7-7820HKIntelBench 72%, 18,903 samples | 779x |
Core i7-6700HQIntelBench 59%, 320,434 samples | 545x |
GPU | |
GTX 1070 (Mobile)NvidiaBench 72%, 73,882 samples | 997x |
HD Graphics 630IntelBench 5%, 310,249 samples | 579x |
GTX 1080 (Mobile)NvidiaBench 95%, 17,197 samples | 456x |