Popular components found in the Asus X441UV.
CPU | |
Core i3-6006UIntelBench 36%, 47,111 samples | 175x |
Core i3-6100UIntelBench 43%, 24,116 samples | 30x |
Core i5-6198DUIntelBench 55%, 2,822 samples | 13x |
GPU | |
HD 520 (Mobile Skylake)IntelBench 4%, 362,113 samples | 143x |
920MXNvidiaBench 6%, 8,308 samples | 65x |
HD Graphics 510IntelBench 2%, 6,504 samples | 10x |
EDIT WITH CUSTOM PC BUILDER | Value: 12% - Very poor | Total price: $70 |
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